Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jimmy Dean All Natural Sausage Review

I don't do a whole lot of product reviews, but when I find a product that really stands out, I like to share it with my followers.

Today is day #1 in my 3-day relay to Thanksgiving. This is the day that I do all of my prep work- chopping celery and onions, making stock, etc. I decided to go ahead and brown off the sausage for my Cornbread and Sausage Dressing (recipe coming soon) and I picked up Jimmy Dean All Natural Regular Sausage at Walmart yesterday. What drew me to this purchase was the statement on the package that says: All the flavor with no MSG or preservatives, Minimally processed, No artificial ingredients. I liked that idea because I don't like the sausage in my stuffing to compete with the seasonings that I add in, but rather to compliment them. This sausage does this perfectly. I suggest you give it a try. It is the same price as other more processed, more highly seasoned sausages, so it's a great value. It will definitely be on my shopping list again.

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